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作者: 发布时间:2015-07-01 14:12:00 来源:



保罗·科布利(Paul Cobley)


保罗·科布利(Paul Cobley),英国著名学者,现任国际符号学协会主席(2014-2019),英国伦敦米德赛斯大学媒体与传播学院教授,研究方向是语言与媒体传播,曾担任欧盟伊拉斯漠项目负责人。科布利教授曾分别在英国萨塞克斯大学和伦敦帝国理工学院学习,并于1992年得到博士学位。他教学经验十分丰富,曾经在包括美国波士顿大学,瑞士提切洛大学、英国伦敦都市大学在内的9个学校授课。从1998年至今,他先后获得了包括媒体文化研究奖在内的5个国际性的奖项,得到了国际传媒界的认可与肯定。他曾经先后60次受邀参加世界各国举办的国际符号学、传媒学术研讨会,并在会上发表自己的学术成果。


Code in semiotics and communication

The idea that codes exist is frequently taken for granted. It has been reified by the consolidation of cryptography and the rise of electronic communications in a history that is concurrent with modern communication science. In the early development of semiotics, many promoted a version of sign study in which ‘language’ and ‘codes’ were somehow synonymous. Especially influential was the ‘semiology’ of Saussure and his amenuenses, as well as the theory of semiotics offered by Umberto Eco. Yet, through the ‘major tradition’ of semiotics identified by Sebeok where Peirce is pre-eminent, there is an inexorable movement towards what might be called ‘interpretation semiotics’ (as opposed to ‘code semiotics’). Concurrent with the crystallization of the major tradition, the linguist Roy Harris has done much, for Western and Eastern audiences, to dismantle the fixed-code fallacy. This paper will suggest consider some of the challenges posed by, as well as lying in wait for, a future-orientated interpretation semiotics that seeks to further elucidate the nature of communication beyond the concept of ‘code’.

斯蒂文·托托西(Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek)


斯蒂文·托托西(Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek),加拿大著名学者、文学评论经典累积形成理论提出者、普渡大学比较文学系教授、根特大学文化研究与教育学专业教授、《比较文学与文化》编辑。多次到北京大学讲学,著有《文学研究的合法化》一书,提出一种新实用主义:整体化和经验主义文学与文化研究方法,在国际比较文学学术界有着极高的地位。


Ethical Literary Criticism, Semiotics, and Comparative Cultural Studies

In his presentation Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek begins with the epistemology of ethical literary critcism in modern Western thought (e.g., Booth, Kirkegaard, Levinas, Rorty, etc.) followed by a brief discussion of the "ethical turn" in more current scholarship (Nussbaum, Parkett, Eagelstone, Krapp, Levin, etc.). After his introductory discussion, Tötösy de Zepetnek explores selected tenets of the theoretical framework of comparative cultural studies and their relationship with tenets of ethical literary criticism. As is known, one professed aspect of cultural studies is its ideological (and often political) dimension and this is similar to ethical literary criticism. Among other tenets, attention to the "other" and the marginal is central to comparative cultural studies and this corresponds to the work of several proponents of ethical literary criticism. Tötösy de Zepetnek proposes that the methodology of the systemic and empirical approach in comparative cultural studies can be applied in ethical literary criticism and suggests notions as to the how and why. In this context, the field of semiotics is also included because of the field’s relevance and importance in communication. Based on these theoretical and methodological components and suggestions, Tötösy de Zepetnek discusses the 1961 essay "Természet, táj, lélek" ("Nature, Landscape, Soul") by Aladár Komlós (1892-1980) and the text’s relevance to ethical literary criticism, ecocriticism, semiotics, and comparative cultural studies.

詹姆斯·李斯卡(James Jacób Liszka)


詹姆斯·李斯卡(James Jacób Liszka),现任美国纽约州立大学普拉茨堡分校副校长,哲学教授,曾任美国皮尔斯符号学会主席(2013-2014)。李斯卡教授长期致力于符号学理论及伦理学领域的研究,现为《符号学》、《皮尔斯符号学会会刊》、《语言与风格》、《教育学与理论》、《伦理学与环境》、《认知》、《价值研究》、等多种国际主流学术刊物匿名审稿人。此外,李斯卡教授还担任《皮尔斯符号学会会刊》、《环境伦理学》编委、皮尔斯符号学会常务理事、美国符号学会常务理事、皮尔斯基金会理事等,是美国当代知名符号学家。


How Signs Convey Information: A Peircean Approach

Most scholars of semiotic are familiar with Peirce’s triadic conception of the sign. In order for a sign to be a sign, it must meet three interrelated conditions: The sign must be about something (it’s referent); it must convey something about the thing it is about (it’s representamen); and what it conveys must have a “significate effect” on the sign agency in the form of feeling, action, or habits or patterns of action toward the referent (it’s interpretant).

Peirce’s triadic conception of the sign helps to explain some fundamental puzzles about meaning For example, how is it that language is a meaningful sign system, despite the fact that it is built on non-meaningful units such as phonemic sounds? There are two standard answers to this question of meaning. One expressed by Ferdinand de Saussure, Gottlieb Frege, among many others, is a correlation thesis---that meaning is the correlation between a sign and a concept, or a sense and referent. The flaw in this thesis that it doesn’t explain how meaning comes about, but assumes it is already there. We still need to know how a sign becomes meaningful.

A second thesis is that meaning is something that emerges through an interaction of processes, none of which are meaningful in themselves. My thesis is that Peirce’s triadic theory, rightly understood, holds the key to understanding this emergence theory.

What is critical in understanding this emergence theory of meaning, is a proper theory of information. Peirce develops two different theories of information, a semantic and a non-semantic version. I show how the non-semantic theory, which is consistent with the theories of Claude Shannon, Fred Dretske, and Tom Stonier, better fits with his triadic theory of signs in explaining the emergence of meaning.

After an analysis of the non-semantic concept of information, I attempt to show how Peirce’s three trichotomies of sign (qualisign, sinsign, legisign) (icon, index, symbol) (rheme, delome, argument) can be used to explain how signs bear or embody information, convey information, and literally inform sign agencies.

托尼·贾皮(Tony Jappy)


托尼·贾皮(Tony Jappy),现为法国佩皮尼昂大学语言学与符号学荣休教授;曾任佩皮尼昂大学英国与美国文化研究系系主任,第四届世界符号学大会总召集人,佩皮尼昂大学符号学、传播学与教育学研究所(IRSCE)所长。贾皮教授于1965年和1967年分别在英国牛津大学和法国里昂大学获得现代语言学与英语学士学位,于1976年在法国蒙彼利埃大学获得英语语言学博士学位。贾皮教授是符号学重要奠基人C.S.皮尔斯研究的国际权威,特别对皮尔斯符号学思想中的图像问题、修辞问题与视觉符号学等研究方面具有极高的造诣。


Semiosis, communication and the ecology of signs

Peirce uses the concept of ‘communication’ in at least three different ways: First, in the academic sense of the public presentation of, say, research findings; second, as a synonym for the public process of exchanging information between speakers in a speech act; finally, as a theoretical construct in the process of semiosis or sign-action. It is this last aspect of communication that the paper seeks to explore, using it as an explanation of an ecology of signs and showing how the sign itself functions as the medium of that communication.



曹顺庆,现任四川大学杰出教授(享受院士待遇),四川大学文学与新闻学院院长、博士生导师,教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授(比较文学),国家级教学名师奖获得者,国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员,国家社科基金评委,教育部本科教学评估工作专家委员会委员,教育部教学指导委员会中文学科副主任委员。国家级重点学科比较文学与世界文学学科带头人,教育部跨世纪优秀人才,霍英东教师基金获得者,做出突出贡献的中国博士学位获得者,享受政府特殊津贴专家,中国比较文学学会会长,中国古代文学理论学会副会长,中国中外文论学会副会长,四川省比较文学学会会长;美国康乃尔大学、哈佛大学、香港中文大学访问学者;台湾南华大学、佛光大学、淡江大学客座教授;比较文学国家级教学团队负责人,比较文学国家级精品课程负责人,主持国家社科基金重点项目“中外文学发展比较研究”等多个项目,担任“十五”“ 211 ” 重点项目“中外文学与俗文化”负责人; 多次获国家级优秀教学成果奖、教育部人文社科奖及四川省政府社科一、二、三等奖。《文学评论》编委、《中国比较文学》编委、《中外文化与文论》(CSSCI来源期刊)主编、英文刊物 Comparative Literature: East & West 主编。





赵毅衡,著名文学与文化理论家,现为四川大学文学与新闻学院符号学与叙述学教授,四川大学符号学-传媒学研究所所长。1978年中国社科院研究生,师从著名诗人学者卞之琳先生,以形式论为终身研究方向。1988年获美国伯克利加州大学博士学位,到英国伦敦大学任教。2005年到川大工作,2009年创建“四川大学符号学-传媒学研究所”。在形式分析上卓有创见,英文与中文著作丰富,得到过多种研究奖。近年主编《符号与传媒》(Signs & Media)双语刊物,主持“中国符号学丛书”、“符号学译丛”和《符号学论坛》网站,集中力量于符号学与广义叙述学的研究。




丁尔苏,1956年出生于江苏省南京市, 1981年从苏州大学外语系毕业后留校任教,1986年赴美国明尼苏达大学英文系留学,1992年获博士学位,归国以后先后执教于苏州大学和北京大学,现任香港岭南大学英文系教授。曾担任Semiotic Review of Books杂志的编委和副主编(1997-2000),国际比较文学学会理事(2000-2004)。研究领域为:比较文学、文学理论、符号学。代表性论著:中文著作《超越本体》、《语言的符号性》、《符号学与跨文化研究》,译著《现代悲剧》,英文著作:Beyond Ontology - A Study in Marxist Theory of Meaning、The Sign-Character of Language、Parallels, Interactions, Illuminations: Traversing Chinese and Western Theories of the Sign 等。







Writing, Sign and Memory

Writing is the process of the temporal. It is also a record of the passing and thus a reservoir of memory. In writing, the signs of the present keep insinuating what have been in the past in the shadow of the script and the traces of the past will keep their haunting returns as the script turns its face to the future. The forgotten and the perished as a partof the writing coexists with the presence of the signs. Writing as a process of expression continues its registration of the passing as a process of remembering. This paper will take the coexistence of the memory with the present in writing as an embedding of the two possibilities—being and engaging, through which a sign of writing might present itself to a variety of reflecting phases. As a language within a language, literal signs signal the writer’s individuality and uniqueness while at the same time present the problematic of style in its becoming of language in terms of creating and illustrating the possibilities of ramification, multiplication and dissemination. The passage of the passing, the forgotten, the perished figures and events all converge to the return of the past. Memory brings forth the possibility of the other, opens its way to the self-consciousness and redemption. Writing is to be consummated as the fusion of the being that demonstrates and claims the authority of its presence and the engaging that reaches out to the other and takes the responsibility of losing its firm ground to the murmuring of the unknown sources.By way of the fusion, writing as a literary style not only demonstrates its unique and individual existence through its particular traits and features but simultaneously reveals its connection with and within the world through its characteristic elements.









演讲主题及摘要《符号机制与传播功能的媒介学路径 ——关于德布雷的媒介符号史分期理论》